Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Today I am Grateful for...

Today I am grateful for
1. A caring doctor who was understanding, loving, provided lots of tissues and reassured me it wasn't my fault
2. My cell phone so I could talk to my husband right away
3. A wonderful husband who answered the phone and is one of the most amazing husbands in the world
4. A side door so the ultrasound technician could get me back to my room without having to go past the waiting room
5. A loving mother who listened to me cry
6. A car parked in a dark parking garage so I could sob openly without worrying I was making anyone else sad
7. A 20+ minute drive home so I could try to gain some composure before I walked in the door
8. An amazing son who came bounding up to me right as I walked in the door - showing me immediately just how truly blessed I am
9. Prayer and the comfort it gives me even though I am sad - I know things will be okay
10. Thoughtful family and friends who support us when we need it
11. The opportunity I will have to try to conceive again
12. This pregnancy - even though I am sad we lost our baby - I am still grateful for the time that I had with this baby.


Platteborze Possy said...

I am so sorry Leah. I know that doesn't quite cut it, but I'm thinking of you and will keep you in my prayers. Love ya!

Heidi said...

Oh Leah. I am so sorry and I hope it's okay to call you.

emily said...

Leah ... i'm so sorry too ... i hope you found our special delivery ;)

Natalie said...

Leah, I am so sorry for your loss. You are in our prayers and thoughts. We love you!

Stacy Henrie said...

Leah - we sure love ya, and you are in our prayers.

Kristen said...

Leah, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and my prayers are with you. You are such an awesome and strong person.

Shauna said...

Leah, I feel like I am out of the loop and I'm so sorry for that...I didn't even know! I want to give you a hug and tell you that everything will be ok! I will call you soon! Just know that this too shall pass! It's something that has always given me encouragement!

Chalonn said...

Wow. I guess I'm pretty out of the loop myself that I didn't know either..I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry for your loss. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers as you continue to heal.